Software as a service, or SaaS, is quickly taking center stage in the cloud computing market. As a software model, it offers versatility, speed, and cost-effectiveness for companies of all shapes and sizes. With its numerous benefits, it’s no wonder that so many people are turning to SaaS! It’s hard to beat how easily SaaS allows companies to scale as their business grows and how well it incentivizes teams to collaborate within an organization.
If your business is ready to take advantage of everything SaaS has to offer you, we at Pantek want you to keep a few things in mind about your infrastructure design to optimize your company’s business model.
- If you base your infrastructure design on one cloud provider’s services, it may make multi-cloud SaaS designs in the future more difficult, and you don’t want to impede your future growth.
- SaaS is designed for minimal downtime when it comes to upgrades and seamless migrations. Your users deserve the best and don’t want to have to wait to get back to using your company, so don’t make them. Take the downtime into account with your design to ensure everything continuously runs smoothly. That goes for migrations, too!
- Consider your team’s expertise – for example, maybe they are experts in AWS but not in Google. It’s great to have a well-rounded team — but if there is one thing they excel in, why not rely on that? Don’t design something that all of your team members will end up getting stuck on and be left scratching their heads.
- Design for failure and fault tolerance, including spreading across different geographical clouds. The last thing anyone wants is for a service to fail. Regardless of what caused it, it’s a headache and a half. While that might sound negative, you should design with failure in mind. Brainstorm the possible problems your company might encounter and then plan for them. Usually, this is a when — not an if — situation. So, be proactive and take everything into account — even problems you try your hardest to avoid.
- Microservices can help the agility of your applications. SaaS offerings exist in a fast- paced competitive environment; the ability to quickly make moves, additions, and changes can be the difference between success and failure. Modern application architecture utilizing microservices is a must. Applications built with microservices around a collection of small autonomous services will definitely provide a competitive advantage.
- Multi-tenancy refers to when a single instance of software serves multiple customers. Everyone shares the application and database, but each customer’s information is securely protected and invisible to everyone else. This reduces the cost for each customer and makes your SaaS more appealing to customers who are on a tight budget.
- Most SaaS boasts enterprise-level security which encompasses so much more than any on-premises solution can handle. Design with disaster protocols in mind and actively troubleshoot, so nothing takes your company by surprise.
At Pantek, we hope these SaaS tips can help take your business to the next level. Our Pantek team can help you decide what type of system is right for your business and customize your options for the perfect fit. We look for potential failure points, bottlenecks in your processes, and walk you step by step through the cloud services you need. If you are looking for experts to help you design, implement, and use a cloud system, contact us today!